
Javascript ES6 Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet containing ES2015 [ES6] tips, tricks, best practices and code snippet examples for your day to day workflow.


Favorite Github Repos

Today I'm going to share with you some of my absolute favorite finds on Github. Some are rare gems, others are foundational or lifesavers. Each is worth a glance at the very least if not a deep delving into.


References for Using React

A handy, quick reference for me (and everyone) to come back to when working with React.


Best of PHP Functions

When working with PHP I have a bunch of go-to functions and things I come back to often.


Essential SASS Mixins

Here's some SASS Mixins I've collected over the years.


SASS Cheatsheet

Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a plugin for your build system.


SSL With LetsEncrypt

This tutorial is a quick one. Cause generating an SSL certificate should be quick and painless anyway.


Using Figma As a Primary Design Tool

Figma is the new hotness when it comes to designing, particuarly for the web, but for most anything really. It's a Javascript based web based application that essentially supplements (or replaces) a lot of vector based design tools like Sketch, Illustrator, and Photoshop.


Using and Organizing Icons with IconJar

Recently I gave IconJar a try. It's a fairly simple program for Mac that allows you to browse and preview all your icons in one place. Similar to what Font Book or Extensis Fusion is for fonts.


Docker Cheatsheet

This is a quick cheatsheet for the most commonly used Docker Commands.


MongoDB Cheatsheet

Here's a cheat-sheet for basic database management and manipulation in MongoDB.


MySQL Cheatsheet

Here's a cheatsheet for basic MySQL usage.


Vim Cheatsheet

Put together a quick cheat-sheet from things I've copied and saved over the years. I come back to these notes from time to time and thought it time to finally share them.


LEMP: Linux NGINX MySQL PHP Server Configuration Walkthrough

This is a quick and gritty guide to setting up a Linux based server for MySQL, PHP, NGINX.


NGINX Wordpress Template

This is the NGINX config I use for most Wordpress / PHP projects. I've updated it throughout the years with optimal configurations


Favorite Terminal Commands

Here's a list of some random, useful commands and tools to use in the Command Line.


PHP - Get All Links from a Website

A quick little script for PHP that will grab all the links in a page and output them in a human-readable format. Nothing special, but useful.


Curl Cheatsheet

curl is used in the command line or in scripts to transfer data. It is also used nearly everywhere: in cars, television sets, routers, printers, audio equipment, mobile phones, tablets, settop boxes, media players and is the internet transfer backbone for thousands of software applications affecting billions of humans daily.