

Determining Disk Space Usage on Linux/Unix

A simple guide on how to determine disk space usage on a Linux/Unix system.


The Joy of Virtual Environments in Python

A simple guide on how to determine disk space usage on a Linux/Unix system.


Updating Arch Linux After A Long Time

Stuck getting `Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.`? Well, have I got the solution for you..


Retro Gaming with 351Elec

I recently was introduced to the wonderful world of mobile game emulation and I love it. Come join in on the fun.


My Favorite Vim Plugins

A curated list of essential plugins and command line tools to improve your productivity.


Solution for Linux apt-get "KEYEXPIRED - The following signatures were invalid"

Sometimes keys get old on a server you've had up for a while. We just need to update those third party keys.


Essential Command Line Tools

A curated list of essential plugins and command line tools to improve your productivity.


LEMP: Linux NGINX MySQL PHP Server Configuration Walkthrough

This is a quick and gritty guide to setting up a Linux based server for MySQL, PHP, NGINX.